Gliph’s Bottom Line

Our goals are to help you protect your privacy and give you control over your personal data. Our team has worked to demonstrate our dedication to these goals by building and releasing free tools like LockDown Privacy Protection and secure picture messaging.

Nick and myself, the founders of the company, aspire for Gliph to become the world’s most trusted identity provider. As an important step of building trust with you and other Gliph users, we want to share how Gliph will operate as a sustainable business.

We’ve looked at the business model used by the biggest providers of digital identity today and how that it has impacted real people. We’ve seen targeted advertising create a slippery slope where companies use personal information in ways people just don’t expect. Our conclusion is that an advertising model coupled with real-name policy is fundamentally at odds with real privacy.

Today, our team is unveiling the first options for paid Gliph services, which are explained in this blog post. In the coming months, we will be growing and improving Gliph’s free services and considering features that are worth a subscription.

If you’ve taken a few minutes to read Gliph’s Privacy Policy, you know that Your Privacy is Our Mission. You understand that you own your Facets and get to decide exactly who gets to see them. In the future, Gliph may expand to letting you control what Facets you choose to share with a business. Gliph will give you control in choosing what, with whom and how much personal data you share.

There are already early signs that the current system is both exploitive and flagging. Gliph intends to be among the trusted few operating in a new model. We appreciate your support for Gliph’s effort to lead into a new era of protected personal data and flexible digital identity.

Rob Banagale
CEO & Co-founder
Gliph, Inc.