Category Archives: Profiles

Introducing Gliph Reputation

You can now set a rating for another person after you’ve completed a transaction with them using Gliph Marketplace. Ratings you’ve received from completing transactions on Gliph will now be recorded and displayed as an average on your Profile.

Reputation ratings allow you to build up credibility for your account on Gliph. You can use them to help you make a decision as to whether you trust someone before completing a transaction with them.

You must complete a transaction using a listing in Gliph Marketplace to be able to assign reputation.

This means if a Bitcoin payment is involved, you must have a Coinbase or wallet attached and use Deal Flow to make the payment.

If you already completed a transaction in Gliph Marketplace, you should already have received  an email allowing you to rate the other person or people you’ve interacted with. Transactions completed outside Gliph Marketplace will not offer a chance to set Reputation.

Gliph Profiles continue to become more useful, showing off information about another user’s Marketplace listings, Groups and Channels in common, whether they have a Bitcoin Wallet attached and now the reputation. This information is in addition to the personal data they’ve chosen to share publicly or privately with you.

Gliph profile now shows reputation, marketplace listings and groups or channels in common, along with bitcoin wallet attachment status
This is a screen capture of the current live view of Cory’s Gliph Profile.

We’re excited to see Gliph identity coming into its own with so much useful information!

We’ll be monitoring Gliph reputation to prevent abuse and we plan to increase the depth of information available over time. If you haven’t, get a move on with listing something for sale in Gliph Marketplace to begin establishing your reputation today!

Gliph Transitions to New Username System

Gliph is transitioning away from its Legacy username (symbol-based) to a new alphanumeric Gliph username system. You may now identify yourself on Gliph with a unique username made up of letters and numbers.

This new username may be set by signing in and editing your account profile on the Gliph iPhone, Android and web applications.

You can use your new Gliph username to be found on Gliph via username search or by accessing a Profile Page webpage. Gliph Profile Pages are a new feature on Gliph and covered in this blog entry.

Gliph is committed to providing a private communication experience. If you already have a Gliph account and a Gliph Legacy username, you may continue to use Gliph without choosing a new Gliph username.

If you do not pick a Gliph username, you will not be found using the username search function and you will not have a Profile Page webpage.

If you do pick a Gliph username, your public Facet information will be available on your Profile Page.

To ensure you’re sharing what you want, we recommend you review your Profile and privacy settings on your personal information before setting your username. 

Username Selection Details
If you’re thinking about what your new Gliph username will be, here are some details to keep in mind:

  • Gliph usernames may be anywhere between 3 and 16 characters long.
  • They may contain letters, numbers and the underscore character.
  • Usernames are first-come, first serve and are may only be used once.
  • Once selected, you can not change your username.
  • Your new Gliph username will automatically set your your Profile Page URL to[username].

And some additional tips for success:

  • Gliph usernames are not case-sensitive at entry, but they will display the CaSe Style YoU choose.
  • Shorter usernames will be easier to remember and share with friends or associates.
  • Gliph is a burgeoning community that relies on trust. Please do not choose usernames intended to deceive, intimidate or threaten other people.

Why the Change?
As regular users of Gliph ourselves, we have found the Gliph Legacy usernames have not become easier to use over time. Though stylistically unique, Gliph Legacy usernames got in the way of the experience in a few ways.

First, people from the Gliph community told us they like the service but find it too hard to connect with other people. A basic function is being able to look up another person in the system and the symbols added friction to that process.

Sometimes when the symbol-usernames were shown in a public group conversation, it was challenging to track who was who. An emerging problem with Gliph Legacy usernames is that they don’t store well in password management tools like 1Password.

The symbol-based usernames were a daring and interesting way to stand out for a company championing privacy and security before people were paying attention to these things.

Privacy and security are still top priorities with us, but Gliph is bigger than those two things. Gliph now helps people connect and transact with each other using Bitcoin. We want the focus here, not on a novel username system.

Moving to alphanumeric usernames simplifies the Gliph platform without sacrificing pseudonymity. You don’t have to remember the symbols that your friend chose or find them on our symbol keyboard. You just need to know their unique written username and type it in.

Supporting Legacy Gliph Usernames
All existing Legacy Gliph usernames will still be supported. You will still be able to search for them and create a 1-on-1 connection or to add them to Group. However, the default search will be to the new alphanumeric Gliph username system.

Fond Farewell
We want to thank everyone who customized their Gliph Legacy username and those who took the time to explain the system to other people.

When we shared this change with friends and family in the Gliph community, there was a combined expression of sadness and also relief. Many of Gliph’s biggest fans memorized and cherished their Legacy username. Some of Gliph’s initial backers took particular interest in the uniqueness of our Legacy username system.

Sadness quickly became nostalgic, though, as folks acknowledged a simpler username system would be to the benefit of all Gliph users in time.  What we lose from leaving behind Gliph Legacy usernames, our team will work to add practical, useful and fun features to take their place.

Introducing Gliph for iOS 1.90

Screenshot of the new Activity View for Gliph for iOS version 1.90We’ve just released a fantastic update to the Gliph iPhone application which you can download the update from the App Store today!

The update, (version 1.90), is part of a larger release that includes an a new Gliph Android application and the introduction of a brand new Gliph Desktop Web app.

This is also Gliph’s first iOS release using ReactiveCocoa and Gliph’s new and improved backend system. You can read more about that effort here.  OK, on to the updates!

Bitcoin is Back

This is such important news, it has its own blog post. But let’s dig into exactly what the Gliph iOS App can do with Bitcoin. With the new Gliph iOS app you can:

  • Attach a Coinbase or Blockchain Bitcoin wallet to your Gliph account
  • View balance wallet and past transactions performed using Gliph
  • Send Bitcoin to any other Gliph user that also has a Bitcoin wallet attached
  • Send Bitcoin to any QR code Bitcoin wallet address using a new QR code scanner

Support for Secure Group Messaging

Screenshot of a group messaging conversationGliph now supports secure group messaging! That’s right, you can now assemble and manage your own groups on Gliph! In this version of the iOS app, you can participate in groups, though group creation needs to be done on the web.

For more information about secure Group Messaging on Gliph please see this post.

Profile and Group Photos

You can now add a Profile Photo facet as part of your Gliph profile. It has the same privacy options as other Gliph facets, like phone number or your name. You can have it be Public, Private or Private and shared with specific people or groups.

All new users are offered the ability to set a Profile Photo, but you can do this now by visiting the menu and choosing Profile.

Refreshed Activity View

The Activity View has been refreshed with a new message unread indicator and the display of Profile photos. The view should also refresh more quickly to accurately reflect the read status of the messages there.

Coming Soon

There are a few things we left out of 1.90 to get it out the door for you. This includes message delay and timed expiration. We also weren’t able to get the complete Create Group capability into this version, but you can still do that using the mobile web.  We plan to fill in these gaps, and continue to refine this experience over the next few releases.